
Hilti Concert Band Schaan

Feldkircherstrasse 100
FL-9494 Schaan


The Hilti Concert Band Schaan is the company band of Hilti Corporation

Hilti Concert Band Schaan

XTT / Renner-Michel Sybille

Feldkircherstrasse 100

FL-9494 Schaan


Authorised representatives

XTT / Sybille Renner-Michel (Chairman)

DC / Michael Fingerlos (Treasurer/Co-chair)

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Hilti Company Band reserves the right to update the present terms of use without notifying the user in advance. Therefore, the user is advised to consult the Terms of Use on a regular basis in order to familiarize themselves with any changes and/or the content of the current version at the time of use of the website.

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All information concerning Hilti and Hilti company Band Schaan communicated via this website remains the property of Hilti or Hilti Company Band Schaan at all times. Should this not expressly be agreed upon in advance, Hilti or Hilti company Band Schaan is not obliged to treat this information confidentially and has the sole property rights regarding this information without any compensation to the person who provided it.